01/17/2021 Your Vision vs. God’s Vision
Habakkuk 2:2-3
● Habakkuk complained and questioned God about the evil in the world.
● In Chapter 2 where our focus scripture comes in, was God’s answer to Habakkuk. Write down your vision and wait for it. You must be patient, trusting God fully.
● In this God is giving us an opportunity to prepare for the opportunity that He has prepared for us.
○ Even when we want to go really quickly, God asks us to slow down, wait, and learn until it comes to an appointed time.
● Habakkuk 3:17
○ Takes your eyes off of how it looks, trusting in God’s timing.
Psalm 37:4-5
● We need a vision for each and every area of our lives. For example, our family, our finances, and our ministry. Your vision can always be sewn into the ministry.
● God’s visions for us have to be written down, because it gives it definition. It may be a plan or goal but it has a direction.
● All of God’s plans have a guarantee for our life, we have to be patient.
Promises that God has for our life
Psalm 30:5
Deuteronomy 28:13
Deuteronomy 15:6
Philippians 4:13
Matthew 6:33
Isaiah 40:31
● Waiting on God, doesn't mean not doing anything, waiting on God means do not run ahead of God.
● Without a vision the people perish. There are two main themes throughout today, Vision and Wait. Some of us are trying to make our own plans but God has made the plan already.
● We don't know how beneficial we are as God’s people being in the right place. Staying in the right place, not running out ahead of God, but putting God as #1 priority.
○ Give God back His job!
○ John 15:5